Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I love yarn. I don’t know what it is about yarn. But I truly love it. I use yarn to knit. Knitting gives me a sense of comfort and release. It de-stresses me.


Maybe it is all the different colors of the rainbow, in all the colors found on the color wheel, and more. Nothing is just black or white. The colors are any that an artist or painter could think of or create.


Then again, maybe it is how the yarn feels to my touch. I always have to touch the yarn. It is usually the softest ones that I work with. Like quilters, who collect those quarter squares of fabric, as a knitter, I collect yarn. I have at least three large plastic bins, overflowing with every imaginable color and yarn style. I also have two large craft bags stuffed with more yarn and needles. My needles range from short ones, long ones, aluminum, bamboo, and circular ones.


 Although, I usually start my knitting projects when the weather gets colder, I do work on a knitting project at other times, too. I have a lot of scarves in different colors and styles and give them away as part of my Christmas or birthday presents to my family or friends.


Maybe my love for knitting comes from my mother. She is the person who taught me how to knit. Maybe that is why I feel so connected to knitting because it makes me feel closer to her.


But whatever the reason – I love the colors and weights of the yarn. I love their softness and beauty. I love making things with my hands and I can’t think of a better thing to do at night, while, watching television in the evenings, then knitting.

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