Friday, December 20, 2013

God Bless the Pioneers!

The Wild West has always intrigued me. Who didn’t want to live during that time and hang out with a gunslinger or work the farm as a pioneer with a bunch of kids, a husband who left the ranch and a pack of Indians and bad cowboys looking for some Saturday night wild fun! Come on…look at all that potential fun.


Yes, I liked the thought of living in the Wild West and being a pioneer finding land and farming. It sounded great. I think I had a bit of a taste of what it would be like when our power went out on Saturday night. Romantic candles and thank you, God, for my iPad that was fully charged and the back ground lit up, so that I could read my Kindle books.


But then came Sunday and the power would have to go out for a few more hours while the power company could find the bad line. The power was temporarily restored with the help of a generator until the company would send out another crew on Monday. Then the power would be turned off again for a few hours while they replaced the damaged lines.


Unfortunately…none of that fixed my Internet problems. For three days, I had no land line phone service, no Internet service nor could I watch television. What was that all about! Forget my pioneer spirit! The hell with the candles! I wanted access to my favorite television series! I wanted to watch On Demand! I wanted to check my emails! I wanted to keep up with Facebook! I wanted to do my daily banking! I wanted my old life back!


Right now I am headed into my third day of all my services being down. I hate it. I feel so isolated. I have been staying in the house waiting for a technician to call or show up and fix the problem.  Maybe I now know how the Indians and Cowboys felt. I am looking for a good time in my house and it looks like I will be saddling up my Mustang and riding out of here for some fun.

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