Monday, August 10, 2015

Labsy Awards are an Inspiration!


Writing can put a person in a lonely place. I, myself, happen to like to work alone. I love to write. Nothing gets me more exciting as when I have an idea and how it starts to come together in the story that I am working on.

Then there are times that I can’t generate anything to write, no matter what I do. That’s when I wonder if I am a writer? Who would even want to read what I write? Does anyone even care?

But, the other evening, I was inspired to get back to my writing. I attended the Labsy Awards at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. The awards are a teen media contest. The Labsy Awards recognizes teens’ original creations, inventions, and works of art. The categories were divided as such:
Filmmaking (original film).
Graphic Design  (digital or traditional art work).
Fashion (hand-made, modified, or up-cycled apparel and accessories).
Invention  (a robot, video game, or other original invention).
Music  (original composition).
Photography  (original photo).
Cover Art

I had never heard of the Labsy Awards but I know what they are now. I attended the awards ceremony with my son because his daughter and her classmate were up for an award in the Music category.

My granddaughter and her classmate didn’t win an award but to me they were winners by writing an original composition and performing it. Kudos to the teacher, who submitted their work and for the girls to be in the running for a Labsy Award. But mostly, congratulations for the girls for even trying.

The best part of the evening was seeing what the 1st and 2nd place winners in each category had submitted and what won.

The evening left me in awe of these young teens. They were lucky in the fact that they were just beginning on the road of creativity and they would only get better and better. After the ceremony, I went home renewed with the excitement of writing. I also realized that I have a lot of catching up to do!

For the 2015 teens who created and submitted their work and to my granddaughter, Bayleigh and her classmate, Anna – Congratulations! Remember that this is only the beginning of all that creativity that you have inside. So keep creating and performing!

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