Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Where Did The Time Go?

The other day I was sitting talking to my oldest granddaughter, when she mentioned that she will be 20 years old in December. That shocked me…20 years old!!!! Wow…where did the time go??? I know that I was busy and watching some of my grandchildren. Five years after Hannah was born, 22 other grandchildren came along. So maybe that was the answer…like everyone else, all those grandchildren kept me blurry and busy.

When Hannah was born, I was 20 years younger than I am today. Since she was the first grandchild on both sides of the family, her other grandparents and I volunteered to babysit while her parents worked. It was fun. I still had kids in high school living at home, who would help me out when they were around. They actually enjoyed having a little baby, then a toddler around.

We split two days a week to watch Hannah. It was all year round, which was fine with me. Hannah was really an easy baby to have in the house. I looked forward to watching her those two days. Hannah kept me busy and she fine-tuned me for what would be…more grandchildren! Five years later, I would watch her baby sister and also another granddaughter at the same time. Crazy me!!! It was like having a toddler and a set of twins. I was prepared for that, having my own twins and toddlers at the same time.

I can’t believe that Hannah will be finishing her first year at Point Park College this year. Time has really moved. I have 22 other grandchildren. I am babysitting one day a week for my youngest daughter’s two little boys…one who is a few months old and the other is 2-1/2 years old. It is a little harder but everything is the same…bottle feeding, changing diapers, and amusing them. But running after the older boy is a little harder on the old knees.

I still pull out books to read, coloring books and crayons, chalk, playdough and Fisher Price Little People and Farm animals. When the weather is nice, I take Will out and let him play in my back yard, while his brother, Nolan, is napping in the house.

Yes, I pretty much do all the same things with the boys that I used to do with Hannah. I do miss the little Hannah who inspired me to write about her and then the other little grandchildren. I have to say that Hannah is special because she was my first grandchild. I love her deeply as I love the others. I love her smile, laughter, and her art work! She is one in a million and my oldest granddaughter and I know for a fact that there will always be a special bond between us.

But for now, I do have to thank all my kids for all those grandchildren who have kept me somewhat agile and young!

By the way, my youngest granddaughter, Mina Noelle, was born on February 28, 2016…welcome to our big family Mina. There is no doubt that you will be loved and cherished!

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