Friday, February 18, 2011

Agree to Disagree

I have a friend and we are as different as night and day. We share some similarities, like our love for our children and grandchildren, food, books, art, and running off for a writer's weekend. We like to eat but not the same things, we love to read but we like different books.

Where I baby-sit often, my friend baby-sits daily and loves it. I drive. My friend doesn't. We try to find time to go off writing somewhere for a short weekend. I drive and my friend is the perfect GPS.

Some of our differences are found in our politics that we try not to express, but sometimes that is difficult. I am a registered Independent, and my friend is a dyed in the wool Democrat. Sometimes we talk politics and get carried away. So far we have managed not to let that strain our friendship. But that is important to be able to express our differences and our feelings. That's what friends do. I know sometimes we get ticked off at what the other has expressed and maybe we hold on to our irritations for a time.

Our difference doesn't stand in our way or keep us from being with one another. I think we have come to respect one another. We are able to be civil and allow ourselves to express our opinions. We may not agree all the time but that is why we are friends, because of our spirited rhetoric that doesn't become too uncivil and full of hatred.

We may not change each other's thoughts or votes. We do reflect and think about what the other has said. Sometimes it does change our opinions.

Bottom line, we are friends, who can talk, who can agree to disagree. Being friends and respecting each other allows us to politely agree to disagree.

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