Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Even the Lone Ranger had Someone

I was feeling kind of down. Maye it was my milestone birthday. This was going to be a tough one, but in five years, that birthday is going to be an even harder one.

Or maybe it was the workshop that I signed up for, a 13-week course on divorce and separation, every Monday evening. Mondays are turning out to be self-reflective moments that leave me feeling loss and drained.

Or maybe it is the dark months and lack of sun. But I should be okay; I take Vitamin D tablets, which are good for lack of sun and even great for your heart.

Or maybe it was the stinking comment from my son made about my cooking. I showed him, he made supper that night.

Then I pondered my life and realized, except for my cat, I am alone. I realized that people pretty much have someone in their lives.

Look, let's face it, you know those couples: Lucy and Desi, Dick and Laura Petrie, Dick and Jane, Romeo and Juliet, Rachel and Ross, Sonny and Cher, Adam and Eve, Ken and Barbie, Fred and Wilma, Betty and Barney, Homer and Marge, Roy and Dale, Bud and Lou, Martin and Lewis, Laurel and Hardy, Lady and Tramp, Cinderella and Prince Charming, Beauty and the Beast, Donald and Daisy, Superman and Lois Lane, Angeline and Billy and Brad and Jennifer.

Well, you get the picture. I guess I want to be part of another half. Heck, even the Lone Ranger had someone. He had Tonto. Where's my Tonto, or Sonny, or Roy, or Dick or Desi????

Out there somewhere! Right now if I have to settle for my other half, I guess it would have to be my black and white long-haired cat, Scraps. At least Scraps never complains about the food and likes to sleep on my bed, on top of my legs. And ever so often she licks my hand. I think she has a salt deficiency.

If I think about that long enough - I realize the Lone Ranger may have had Tonto but I bet he didn't purr at him or lick his hand.

1 comment:

  1. You're writing turned a somber subject into something amusing! good job!
