Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Sad Day For Pittsburgh

It is a sad day for Pittsburghers. The Poplawski trial is over except for a sentence of death or life in prison. The jurors will decide that fate. Did it bring closure? I doubt very much that it brought closure to the families of the three police officers that Poplawski killed. The families would probably love nothing more then to see their loved ones walk through their front door this very moment. This is never going to happen.

As for the man who killed the officers…what did he accomplish? If he wanted to die, why didn’t he just kill himself instead of taking the lives of three good men? Funny, isn’t that what killers do…they kill others and revel in what they have done. They alter the course of others and themselves. For what? A footnote in a book?

I feel sorry for the families of those three police officers that were killed. It was a long week and I for one couldn’t read the newspaper accounts of what happened two years ago. I still remember it vividly without having to read the newspaper accounts.

As for the mother of Poplawksi…I no doubt believe that she loves her son and didn’t want this for him, the police officers that he killed or for the City of Pittsburgh. Wouldn’t it have been better if she had bothered to let anyone know about her son and the arsenal of weapons that he stockpiled in his house?

My continuous prayers go out to the families of Officers Eric Kelly, Stephen Mayhle, and Paul Sciullo. They will never be forgotten. Their lives ended on April, 4, 2009. The lives of their families changed on April 4, 2009, no matter what happens to the man, who killed them.

So maybe we should just say a prayer tonight for the three who died and their families and for the men and women who wear those blue uniforms everyday, and put their lives on the line for us.

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