Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Goodbye Mad Men

Every Sunday night for the past 7 years, I faithfully watched the television series, Mad Men. The main character, Don Draper, played by Jon Hamm was a complicated person. He started out life as Dick Whitman, joined the service, and while his lieutenant and the rest of the platoon was killed, he exchanged his dog tags and became Don Draper.

Along the way, his handsome looks, smooth delivery, and hungry drive made him a successful top advertising executive. And along the way we watched him lose his first company and build a successful second advertising agency, only to lose it in the end.

He loses his first wife, Betty, and his three children to divorce because he was unfaithful, many more times than one could count. His second marriage to Megan also ends in divorce.

Up until I watched the series finale, I speculated that Don Draper would end killing himself by jumping out of his office window. What I liked was the few episodes before the finale started to tie up all the story lines: Betty has six months to live, and will die because of lung cancer; Peggy the head copy writer,  falls in love with Stan; Roger Sterling, one of Don’s partners is actually going to marry Don’s ex mother-in-law; Pete Campbell, another partner, takes a job in Kansas and gets his ex-wife back to start a new life, and Joan who started out as a top secretary and then a business partner, passes on marriage and chooses to start her own agency. Don Draper ends up doing meditation in a hippy commune. At the end, while meditating in an open field with others…a smile crosses his face with the inspiration for the most famous Coca Cola commercial and the song playing…I like to teach the world to sing…

Before the ending of the series, I decided that whatever I thought about Don, no matter all his foibles, poor choices, ups and downs, he wasn’t going to jump out of the building and come tumbling down to his death.. He definitely wasn’t going to kill himself. Don Draper was too much of a survivor who could and would re-invent himself.

I’ll miss you, Don Draper. Sunday nights will never be the same without you.

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