Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Brother Jack

This blog was written and posted originally on August 18, 2010

I haven't blogged for awhile. I have a number of topics that I wanted to blog about. In the last ten days...I watched my brother, Jack, die, I went to my daughter's wedding and then returned to Chicago for my brother's burial. My emotions are mixed and raw and I am sad. Right now...I needed to blog about my wonderful brother. I had a chance to speak at his funeral but I couldn't. So I wrote this instead.

My brother, Jack, was a loving caring husband and father who absolutely and unconditionally loved his children and grandchildren.

For me, Jack was my big brother, who I worshipped and looked up to. We used to shoot hoops together and we tried to one up one another on movies, trying to stump the other on what year they came out and who starred in them.

He cared for his wife, who had MS and he never complained. When she died he missed her deeply until the day that he died. He was the funny uncle to many nieces and nephews, who seemed to cover the four corners of the map. They will always remember "Uncle Jack" with a smile or a laugh, whenever they tell one of his jokes or relate a story about him.

Jack was "Doc" to his students and they respected and loved him for what he taught. He taught history at Loyola Academy in Chicago for 37 years. He had the ability to touch so many students with his outrageous but well disciplined methods. One thing that is for certain - they learned in his classroom. They learned not only the subject of history but he taught them the importance of how to live their lives. "Doc" made his students laugh and would see them graduate. Eventually they would marry, have children, and enroll them at their Alma Mater, where "Doc" would continue to educate and entertain them as well. This year, Jack was voted teacher of the year.

Jack loved his Yankees, his Buckeyes, and yes, even Slippery Rock. He was a sports junky, who knew his players, their teams, and stats, and never forgot a single fact about sports, movies, people or just about anything.

He loved food and eating. He had a sweet tooth. But he especially loved his pasta and bread. What can I say...he was Italian!

Jack was simply, a good, humble man, who would be embarrassed and surprised by the tears, praise, and sadness that his death has caused. He simply was a good person, who leaves us all richer for having known him. I am so grateful and blessed to have had him as my big brother. Even though we lived in different states, I knew that he he loved me and would be there for me if I needed him.

Simply - he was my big brother, and I will miss him deeply. I love you Jack.


  1. That was beautiful Mom!!!!! I will forever remember meeting Uncle Jack for the first time - about 40 mins after delivering Mary Grace! He was a sweet & funny man.

    We are thinking about you!

  2. Mary,

    Your enduring love for you brother, Jack, shines through every word you wrote. I didn't know your brother, but I feel like I did reading your lovely blog and talking to you about him.

    Your friend,


  3. What a lovely tribute to your brother, Mary. I am so sorry for your loss.

