Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Year Outside the Python

A Year Outside the Python is dedicated to adventure, inspiration, and sharing. Every week either Mary or I will write about a particular adventure52 adventures total, 26 each. These adventures will be singular to our sense of daring. What’s adventurous to me may not be adventurous to Mary and vice versa. Some will be things we’ve never done before but always wanted to do, others will be things that challenge us. Some will be big time ventures; others will be small but significant journeys. Our intention is to have fun, some laughs, and expand our experiences at this time in our lives.

In case, you wondering where the title for our blog came from, it’s a take off on a designation given to our generation, the baby boomer generation, affectionately called the pig in the python, among other endearments. Boomers have also been called the shockwave, but we couldn’t figure out how to use that designation without sounding like an amusement park ride.

Now here’s the really interesting part. Though Mary and I graduated from the same high school, Lourdes Academy in 1964, we never hung out together. And after we graduated, we never communicated with each other for over forty-two years. Then three years ago we connected via email, drawn together because of our mutual writing careers. We’re both published writers. I write mystery novels (Leigh Girard mystery series) and poetry, and Mary writes magazine articles and short stories. For the past three years, we became good friends through our daily emailsnever once talking on the phone (until we decided to do the blog) or getting together in person. Mary lives in the Pittsburg area and I live in the Chicago area.

We invite you to read about our weekly forays and leave comments in the spirit of good will and encouragement. Then go out and have adventures of your own.

In the words of my dear friend Robert Davis, “Have a few laughs, try not to hurt anyone, do good deeds once in a while. And when something interesting happens, tell others about it.”


  1. Dear classmates, I will be reading as you make your way through a list of adventures. As for me I live pretty much extemporaneously with a partner that is keeper of routine. I like this quote "Life is so short and offers so much opportunity that repeating anything, no matter how successful, is ultimately a failure of imagination." Venture far, learn much and enjoy.

  2. Hi Muriel,

    Thanks for your encouraging words. It promises to be a year of surprises.
