Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Missing Christmas Stockings

While cleaning out my closets I actually uncovered the ten Christmas stocking that I thought got thrown away a few years ago. The first four, I bought from a quaint shop in some small town in Missouri. The stockings were hand made, and quilted in colors of red and green. The three that I bought for my boys had lollipops on one, a train on the other and a figure of an Amish looking boy. The other one was for my daughter and it was of a little Amish looking girl.

Then we had a set of twins and another little girl. I found someone who took orders for quilted Christmas stockings. The three matched in various colors but the lady added a ruffle on the top for a little girl. Then when I had my last two children…I bought the material and made a quilted stocking for both, and one each for myself and my husband.

My husband actually cut a strip of wood and hung it up under the mantle of the fireplace. It had enough hooks to hang our 11 stockings. The wooden strip with the hooks is still up and every Christmas the stockings hang there waiting for Santa to fill them. Even long after my children have grown, I still hang up those colorful stockings, which is always a reminder of the past and when nine little children would wake up Christmas morning a few hours after we, Santa’s helpers, would go to bed. They loved what they found in their stockings. I still fill up the stockings of my grown adult children…the ones who are not married yet.

For the last two years the stockings were hidden underneath junk in my closet. It wasn’t until I pulled my closet apart to clean it that I found the missing stockings. I felt overwhelmed with joy and happy to have found them. Now I can continue my tradition of hanging my Christmas stockings under my mantle. Maybe this year, Santa will fill mine with a reward for finding and hanging the stockings back up.

For everyone else – Merry Christmas!

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