Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gracie Scores

Last week I attended my granddaughter’s, Mary Grace, 7 years old, softball game. I also spent time with her sisters, Charlotte, 5, and Molly 2.

The team only plays for four innings but I got to see Gracie at bat three times. She hit the ball twice, got on base twice and scored a run one of those times. The fact that she hit the ball was a treat for me and her family. It isn’t how much you praise those kids or tell them that they can do it, but it is actually hitting the ball that brings a big smile to their face and boosts their confidence, and makes them feel like part of the team.

Some of those little girls can really hit a ball. They are also pretty cute in their oversized uniforms, crazy sock, and batting helmets that are way too big for their heads. Gracie has a pretty good batting form.  The first game that I watched, she kept striking out and I knew that she seemed frustrated and seemingly lost interest in the game. But the second game was fantastic. The most awesome part was watching her smile spread ear from ear when her bat connected with the ball. The smile grew even wider as she ran and scored a homerun, with her holding on to the too big helmet and her long socks down to her ankles. She looked like a winner at that moment.

All the cheering and encouragement helps. The kids love knowing that their family is there for them and the parents, relatives and friends love watching the girls. We are there to cheer on the girls and no one has any more expectations that that. Just watching the kids have fun and learn as they are doing it is what counts.

Here’s to you Gracie – a big high five from your proud grandmother with love!

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