Monday, January 6, 2014

Phipps by Candle Light

 I have been going on and on about visiting Phipps Botanical Garden in the evenings for the candle light tour. I finally went on Friday night with a friend. The night show with all the candles and Christmas lights just sets a totally different background and mood to Phipps.


The two Christmas trees by the entrance, decorated with ornaments and different colored lights, was a welcoming site as is the beautiful Dale Chihuly hanging fixture inside the atrium. The yellow and orange chandelier radiates a spectacular evening sunset.  The beautiful Poinsettia tree in the main exhibit is the center point when you begin the walking tour on the second floor.


Each room is decked out with the candles hanging from a black iron holder, guiding the visitors on the walkways. The candle lights add a warm glow to more Christmas lights of various colors. Besides, the candles add a strange glow to the glass figures in the Orchid Room, making them appear more like aliens from another world. But the friendly creatures seem right at home in the pond with the gold fish, and placed strategically among the orchids.


The different colored Christmas lights throughout each room add a real holiday feeling along with the perfectly arranged beautiful poinsettias of reds and whites with red ribbons adding more to the festivities.


In the Fountain Room large there is a beautiful Christmas tree, decorated with lights and a number of gorgeous large butterfly ornaments giving it an ethereal look. The high point for me was the outside gardens decorated with all sorts of lights, and large colored balls with different shapes, that kept changing colors. Each person that came out through the doors, stopped and held their breaths in appreciation, or gave out an exclamation of delight. Everyone had to snap pictures. Even though it was 8 degrees outside, I had to walk slowly, drinking in the sites and taking pictures of absolutely everything.


As I walked along taking each step and taking each picture, I could feel the tension leaving my body. The whole evening I felt calm and totally happy. If I could choose a place to live besides the beach, it would be at Phipps or the greenhouse.


If you’re looking for something special to do in the evenings – I encourage you to visit Phipps and take in the Winter Light Garden and Flower Show. The candle light tour is from 5-11 pm, and runs until January 12.


Let’s just say – don’t take my word for it, go and see the Phipps display for yourself.

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