Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Back to the Greenhouse

I hate winter. I hate January, despite that I was born in January. This past January was a long cold depressing month. January seems like the longest month after the holidays. It’s usually snowy and bleak and this year, it was one of the coldest January’s on record.

Being stuck in the house depresses me. I move like a slug, usually making excuses for why I don’t want to go out, or go to the gym, or go anywhere that involves leaving the comfort of my home. Now with January behind me, my thoughts have turned to spring and the thoughts of the greenhouse. By now, the little baby plant plugs start to arrive in the greenhouse. They need to be planted in flats or pots for the coming spring season.

I used to work at the greenhouse. I haven’t worked there in a few years since I started to help my daughter in her catering kitchen. Yet, I still think of the greenhouse, the warmth and the enjoyment that it brings to me.  The greenhouse makes me happy. I decided that I need a change and a new place to work. So, I emailed my old boss, asking to work part time to just do the baby plantings.

Right now, we are negotiating my days and hours. It’s been awhile since I worked an eight hour shift. I’m willing to give it my best shot. The job will run through February, March and April. Standing for eight hours on the hard wood and dirt floors is uncomfortable and tiring but being surrounded by living plants is worth it.

I did get that call and have been in the greenhouse working the past two weeks. The first two days were a killer but now things are getting better. The best part of working is that I am with the plants and I will get a paycheck.


  1. Mary, So glad you are back where you love to be...surrounded by warmth, sunshine( for the most part) and plants, flowers....a very happy place, indeed!!
    Ps...may join you next year!

  2. Mary--I wrote a comment yesterday, but I see it is not here. I'm very proud of you and admire you for all you do. It is so serene being in the greenhouse---happy for you that you went back.

  3. Best place to be. I am only going in when they call me to plant a new shipment. I love it!!!!!
