Thursday, May 1, 2014

Greenhouse Journal: Day 12 & 13

I came into the greenhouse on Thursday to work. Since the shipment of plants hadn’t arrived yet, my job was to water Greenhouses 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Watering in a greenhouse is important and takes quite a while. I walked up and down and watering the tray of plants on each bench and then made sure to water the hanging baskets, or any other plant in pots that are on the ground.

Let me get this out of the way. I don’t mind watering but I think because I am short this is a hazardous job. Hazardous in the way that I have to position the water hose to water the hanging baskets…the water usually runs down my arm into my arm pit. It isn’t bad on a hot day but it is definitely a pain on a cold day. Plus, I seem to get as much water on me – from head to toe – as the plants get.

Midway during my watering, the water ran out. Yeah…unbelievable that water can run out in a greenhouse! Running out of water in a greenhouse is a major crisis! And this was a crisis because those plants were in desperate need of watering. I had to wait until someone changed the lines. Unfortunately we had problems with Well 1 and 2, and couldn’t use the backup water from the pond. The pond needed the broken lines fixed.

I finished my job at 2:00 because I lost the water again. I pretty much had every plant watered, except two benches in House 1. Someone else would wait for the pressure to build up and they would finish those two benches.

I returned on Friday and stated planting the 20 plug trays that were waiting for me in House 5. I found empty spaces on the benches and worked on the 11 trays of Petunias before I lost the water once again. I took my lunch break with the hope that by the time I finished the water pressure would be up to par. Then I could finish the remaining 9 trays.


I still had problems with the water but did my best and to my astonishment, I had finished all the plants by 2:00. I cleaned up and looked around Greenhouse 5. Everything looked good…the established plants were blooming, and the hanging baskets looked fantastic.

After signing out, I treated myself and bought a big, beautiful Rosemary plant. The aroma of Rosemary filled my car and then my kitchen. Eventually, I will use the Rosemary to bake my Rosemary bread and I will also use it to cook. But until then, the distinctive aroma of Rosemary in my kitchen will be my reminder of things to come.

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