Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New YOrk Road Trip - 2002

In the summer of 2002, a friend and I took a marathon drive to New York. We used a guide book that plotted out a 2-3 day trip to New York and a few places to see along the way. We didn’t bother to check anything out by using the computer and we headed out early the day of our scheduled trip. We usually know where we are going and we have the directions to those places. And I might add we get to our destination without too many problems.

I can remember that the trip was during nice weather, the roads in New York State were perfect, and the scenery was gorgeous. And thus began our trip. Along the way, we stopped in Cuba, New York, and stumbled upon a delightful cheese shop. We bought a few cheeses, stopped at the grocery store for a drink, bread, fresh basil, tomatoes and a plastic knife. We ate our food at the Letchworth State Park, overlooking the falls. Letchworth is known as the little Grand Canyon of the East. Then we proceeded to drive past Watkins Glen, known for NASCAR races. We did stop and took in the sights of Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion, in Canandaigua, New York. The mansion and gardens were beautiful!

We couldn’t find the B& B that we were supposed to be staying at. We drove back and forth and finally gave up. We were supposedly driving along a scenic tourist drive that was touted as one of the 15 most scenic routes in the world, according to British Airway Magazine. It was getting dark and I didn’t quite get what was breath-taking about not being able to see anything through the thick foliage. We did find our way to a motel and gratefully checked in for the night.

The next morning we stopped for breakfast, which we shouldn’t have because when we got to the Mackenzie-Child’s factory late, we missed the one and only tour. Instead, we did browse around the large store and it was like looking at a mini museum of hand crafted pottery items.

Then we got back into our car and headed to Corning, New York, to tour the glass factory. Somehow I wasn’t in the mood and we skipped it and drove to Ithaca, where my friend pointed out some nice sights as well and the bridge I was navigated across, and the water below it. Because I was driving, I missed that sight. We stopped in the town and found a ton of eclectic shops on Market Street, along with a few bookstores to check out.

The next day, on our return trip, we stopped in Salamanca, New York, to go to the Native American Museum which was high on my list. Since it happened to be Wednesday…we found a sign that said closed on Wednesday. We drove through the town which was a depressed place and every house needed to be painted. We did stop at the local library which kept the books in boxes. This only added to my depression. We skipped the casino…which was my fault because I was too busy complaining about the museum not being opened. Don’t know why I cared because the Museum was tiny and in a store front shop.

We did stop at a winery along Erie and sampled a few wines and brought some to take home. We should have bought the Foxy Lady, and drank the bottle as we drove but then I would have been stopped and arrested for a DUI! We drove some more and ended up paying $25 to park and enter the Chautauqua Institute…which was a very weird place, right down to the organ musical going on in the open shell area.

My friend made a book of our trip and this sums everything up – she left two pages blank and it pretty much represented what we missed because we were late, too early, wrong date or couldn’t find it!!! Our trip did end up being a big hit of misses, closed for the day, lots of miles on my car and a whole lot of laughter with my co-pilot. And at that time, God knew that I needed a whole lot of laughter!!!

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