Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Craving Stuffed Pepper Soup

I have been having a food craving. It centers on soup. Not just any soup but Stuffed Pepper Soup. Earlier in the day, my daughter who is a chef and owns her own Deli, displayed a picture on Facebook of a bowl of Stuffed Pepper Soup with the advice to stop in for lunch and have a bowl at the Deli. That soup looked utterly delicious.

Later that day, I was eating lunch out at a diner with a friend. While looking over the menu, I stopped when I saw Stuffed Pepper Soup. I ordered a cup to go along with my sandwich.

When my order arrived, I couldn’t wait to sink my spoon into the soup and taste it. But, unfortunately whatever they used to make the soup – it didn’t look very appealing at all. I saw something red, and something green, but the liquid looked grayish in color. My friend and I realized that the cook must have used finely ground turkey. It looked unappealing and I didn’t even want to taste it, so I left it feeling a bit disappointed.

I went home with Stuffed Pepper Soup on my brain, and started to try to find a recipe for it but came up short. That night, my daughter, the chef, contacted me and asked me if I could come into her kitchen and help out. My job was to make, of all things, Stuffed Pepper Soup for her Deli! Of course I would have her recipe. For a while, I wondered if my house was bugged or was there a hidden camera embedded in my brain. I shrugged that off and thought…Wow, now I can make my soup and eat it too!

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