Tuesday, June 5, 2018

New Nikon Camera

I did it. I took the plunge. After putting up with a small camera that could fit into my hand, or pocket, or purse – I bought a new one.

Marching into Target, I walked to the electronics department, looked at the different cameras, and settle on a Nikon. It was red and I love the color red! Looking at the display, I didn’t see any of the red Nikons in a box but decided to ask one of the Target employees if they had any more. He checked and found that there was one in the storage area. He went and brought it back. I decided that was a good sign. Plus, the camera was on sale, as well. That was my second sign.

While I was waiting, I checked out the quickness of the camera and all of its features. The reason that I bought a new camera was that my old one was slow in taking a picture. By the time I pressed the picture that I wanted, the camera took a while and whenever it decided it was ready, it would take the picture. But by then it was too late. The picture perfect moment was long gone.

I bought the camera and a new memory card for it. After I got home, I set up my camera and I was excited to use it. But the best feature of all was the quickness of the camera at taking the picture that I wanted. And the picture was really clear. Now, I’m all set for the upcoming graduation of my granddaughter at my house, this coming Saturday.
Look out family – I’ve got a new camera and something to prove!

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