Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fleece Blanket

A few weeks ago, I took one of my granddaughters out to buy her the rest of her birthday present. We went to Joann’s Fabrics and spent some time selecting fabric for her tied fleece blanket. She finally selected a solid purple fleece for one side of the blanket. The other fleece had a wild pattern of blues, pinks, purples, and other colors, along with skulls, a guitar, rocket and other figures.

We had the fabric measured and cut, and then purchased it. Our next stop was to share an early dinner together at Panera’s, which consisted of their delicious bread soup bowl of broccoli and cheddar, a small French baguette, and a cold glass of lemonade.

After that we drove to my house, where I cut the fabric. When I was finished, I handed the blanket to my granddaughter to tie both the sides together. While she worked on the blanket, we watched the Iron Chef cooking show, commenting on each dish, and trying to figure out which Chef should win. Within an hour, my granddaughter had tied her fleece blanket and completed it. “Now when I am invited to a sleepover, I can bring along my blanket,” she said, as she wrapped the blanket around her body, flashing a big smile. “Thanks, Grandma,” she added.

It was the end of a perfect day with my granddaughter from the trip to the store, sharing dinner together to working on a fleeced tied blanket. Life doesn’t get any better then this for me!

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