Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lessons Learned

After going through all the events surrounding my stolen purse, trying to order new cards, check, keys, and wait for days to receive all of them, now I am able to breathe a little bit easier. Someone asked me if anything good came from this incident. I thought about it and this was what I came up with…

1. I learned how to use my key pad, so if I ever lock my keys in the car (and believe me I have done this a number of times), I can now open the car from the keypad.

2. I now have two new car keys, a remote, and a start up key (the towing service will be happy). Before I had only one key that I misplaced often and went crazy trying to find it.

3. After having my car serviced by the Ford dealer, they washed my car and it looks brand new! I never washed my car, and depended on the rain to do that chore.

4. The Ford dealer replaced the tire sensor that was causing my tire pressure to lose air, and go flat. The other three tires went through the same problem – lose air, the sensor light was always on, the tire would go flat and I would have to have it towed. Now I don’t have to worry about that for a long time because I have four new tire sensors.

5. I found out that soaked leather purses in dumpsters smell so rank that they make you want to puke. I will never buy another leather purse.

6. Without a debit or credit card, it kept me from spending money for 8 days!

7. I was out $37.00 for gas, when the thief used my credit card. But since it was stolen the credit card company supposedly took the charges off.

8. Thank God for Equifax, who put up a 90 day Fraud alert on all my accounts.

9. My children stepped forward and offered me money, until I had access to my own.

10. I now use my house key and make sure that all my doors and windows are locked.

I learned that now that I have replaced all that was taken from me, I definitely can handle whatever comes my way. Maybe this all made me a bit stronger. I would rather get stronger through my daily exercise works outs, though. But I found that jokes and laughter help the most. I also will be more careful with my purse.

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