Sunday, December 4, 2011

Luxurious Comforter

A few weeks ago, I was at the mall with my youngest daughter. We were at the bedding department at Macy’s because my daughter was looking for a new comforter set for her bedroom.

While walking around and looking at the different displays, my eyes zeroed in on a striking red cover. Actually, my daughter and I saw it at the same time, and we both walked over to it at the same time.

It was a luxurious, rick looking comforter. As I touched it, (I’m that shopper, who has to touch and feel things), the word luxurious crossed my mind. The satin cover was a Ralph Lauren design, a color of bright cherry red with a field of flowers of pinkish and orange poppies, and small white, and blue flowers. The flip side of the cover was a kitchen plaid. The comforter came with a flowered dust ruffle and two European shams.

To be honest, I loved it right then and there. I never possessed anything quite exquisite as this comforter. I have had light weight, inexpensive quilts but nothing like this beautiful comforter.I knew as I touched it, I wanted it. Actually I wanted to jump on the bed and lie on top of the comforter. Then I thought…do I need this or do I want it? The answer was no, I did not need it but I definitely wanted it. There was a sale going on, 50% off the regular price. Yes, the price was right. But I really didn’t need it. A need and a lustful want was where I was at.

My daughter also liked the comforter. Yet, she thought this cover would look great on her other bed. In the end, she bought a different comforter set which was beautiful. We both passed on the flowered comforter.

The next week, I went to the Macy’s store close by my house. I was being led by my desire to see if that comforter was still on sale. I walked to the bedding department and saw my comforter. Unfortunately, the sale was over and I definitely couldn’t justify buying it at the regular price. I kept going back and forth to the mall, hoping that I would find the comforter on sale. Still no luck. But the fourth time, as I stood by the display, a Macy’s salesperson walked by, asking if I needed any help. “No,” I responded. Well, yes, I love this cover but can’t justify the price. I saw it when it was on sale and should have bought it then.”

“Well, you’re in luck because this set will be going on sale on Friday for half price.” My mouth dropped open and he continued. “You can buy it now for that sale price and then you can pick it up on Friday.”

I didn’t know that could be done but I wasn’t going to hesitate or pass on this second chance. I bought it and picked it up on Friday.

The comforter is on my bed now and I love it. That beautiful cover looks like it belongs in my room. The beauty of it made me clean up my bedroom and keep things off of my bed. Everything but the two cats, that is, who love sinking on the plush comforter and curling up and sleeping on it. Funny thing is that I had trouble sleeping but since I bought this cover, not any more.

A need or a want? It doesn’t matter, I am glad and happy that I bought this comforter; it is as simple as that.

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