Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Candy, Suckers, Chocolate, Cookies, Oh, Yeah!

Where do kids put all of these treats? How many cookies and suckers and chocolate and cookies can they consume? I fear, a lot!

When my kids were little, I thought that I had found the best hiding places for my treats. But they found every one of them…under the kitchen counters, in the really high cabinets, in closets, and in a trunk. It didn’t matter, they found every hiding place but one.

One house that we lived in had a fireplace in the Master Bedroom. There was a safe behind the picture that hung there. It was a rental and I was the only one that knew about this wall safe. That was where I stored my special treats and no one, knew that safe existed!

I do remember that Halloween presented a problem with all those treats that my kids collected. We usually figured out how to remedy that problem. One was to let them eat their treats until they puked. The other was to let them eat a few treats and then we would save the rest and dole them out on a daily basis.

Do you think that number two worked? Not with my kids, who could sniff out those treats, no matter how well they were hidden. My suggestion for any one is to build a wall safe and hang a picture over it. And tell no one.

Now, I find with my grandchildren that they can consume just about anything. They are like a herd of locust and anything on the counters, in the refrigerator, or the food pantry is fair game. Right now I am watching my 4-year-old granddaughter, Anna. I just had to arm wrestle three chocolate truffles that she found. Before she could scarf down the third one, I arm wrestled it away from her to share with her little sister, Chloe.

So, I guess the best solution to all of this is to limit what you have and buy only healthy items, (that kids won’t bother with). As for me, I sometimes long for a nice fat Twix and an orange soda. Yeah that would really hit \the spot right now!

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