Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Friend

Along the way, I have always had at least one friend. To me a friend is someone to talk to, share secrets, ask advice, and especially one to laugh with.

I think sharing secrets and laughter are two of the most important things in a friendship. It is always important to talk to someone about what bothers you. But laughter is probably the most essential component of the friendship.

I have a very close friend, well more of a blood sister to be exact. On one crazy day, we cut each other and let our blood flow and mingle with each others. Yes, my friend and I are crazy and we love to laugh together. Now, we have each others blood to add to our friendship.

I know when I am down; I can count on my friend. She was the one who stood by my side when my ex first left. She was the one I could call anytime of the day or night (I never really called too late), morning, noon, or night. She never chastised me or criticized me. She patiently listened to all of my stories, over and over. She was the one who pushed the Kleenex box in front of me, hugged me, told me that I wasn’t crazy, and promised me things would get better when I thought that my grief just might kill me.

She encouraged me to take the plunge when I thought about going back to grad school for my writing. As for my writing, she was my writing buddy and was the one who would proof my work and be a sounding board.

My friend was in lock step with me, every step of the way, until I graduated and was divorced and finally could see the brighter, clearer world. I like to think that I have been as good of a friend to her as she has been to me.

So, for anyone who has a friend, a girl friend, a close friend or a blood sister biologically or one where you used a sterilized needle with…this might be the perfect time to praise them, thank them, or just hug them.

To my friend…Thank you!

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