Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Juliette - #16

On June 19, 2012, my 16th grandchild was born. This little baby was my 13th granddaughter. I have three grandsons. I guess you can say that girls rule in our family.

I love my grandchildren. They are sweet, full of life, energetic and a part of my blood line. Each one is unique. I have spent a lot of time with each one of them, enjoying them and getting to know who they are, their likes and dislikes.

When I entered the hospital room, I saw Juliette wrapped in a pink blanket and hat. Her other grandparents were there holding her. She was the center of attention, oblivious to anyone and everything, just sleeping away. Occasionally, she would yawn and make a small noise and sometimes she opened her eyes, as her other grandparents snapped pictures of her. As usual, I forgot my camera. But I did smile watching the first time grandparents. I had been in their shoes, 16 grandchildren ago. And I think I forgot my camera then.

As an ‘old timer’ grandparent, I still took joy when I got to hold Juliette. It’s hard not to stop looking at a baby. There is an overwhelming feeling of awe and joy realizing that just a few hours ago they weren’t here. But now – here I was holding Juliette. She is here and we will all protect and take care of her. There is so much love and joy to go around and around.

For me, there is the pleasure of a baby’s smell. Maybe it’s the new born smell but it’s different, fresh and clean. That is one of my favorite smells.

Welcome Juliette! You may be #16 but there is a lot of love in my heart for another grandchild. And for the others to come.

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