Monday, June 6, 2016

We Walked For Nolan


Last November, Nolan was born. Less than 24 hours, he was rushed to Children’s Hospital and had surgery for a severe GI problem called Hirschsprung’s Disease.  Nolan would stay in Children’s for close to two weeks. If we had to choose a place to be at…Children’s was the place. It was one of those hospitals that see a lot of children with the same problem and where babies are transported there because of the expertise of the doctor’s and staff.

Nolan is doing well now. Pretty much, he had a procedure done and we are hoping that it will solve a lot of his problems. For a six month old baby…he has had his share of hospital stays. But he is the sweetest laid back baby that anyone would love. He just rolls with everything with a big smile plastered on his face.

On Saturday, I went to the Children’s Hospital Walk at Schenley Park, along with my daughter, Becca, Nolan, and Will. We were there with 2500 people who attended this yearly event. It is a walk for the hospital and a fund raiser. There were small groups of people and larger groups walking to show their appreciation to the hospital. The fundraiser netted $600,000.00! To me, this was totally amazing. People were giving back to the institution, doctors, nurses, and all those people who helped them through some pretty tough times. Without Children’s Hospital, I don’t know what would have happened to Nolan. I would hate to even speculate.

But the day was fun and it was a pleasant way to fund raise. The sponsors for the event gave away a number of things…Smiley Cookies from Eat’ n Park, Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen, doughnuts,  a complimentary breakfast, free water, and more. There was face painting, free bike helmet give aways, games, special appearances from Batman, a Minion, Marshall from Paw Patrol, and a few others. The Carnegie Museum, even had a Dinosaur walking around, too!

I know that my daughter and grandchildren appreciated the day and we already have decided to try and get more of our family to participate in this special event, next year.

For now, I want to thank Children’s Hospital and their wonderful staff for everything that they did for Nolan!

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