Friday, October 13, 2017

Hey, I'm a Plumber, too!

Cooking or baking in the catering kitchen can be busy as well as interesting. When everything is going well…it is great. But, sometimes, a cooking or baking problem might occur. And sometimes a non-cooking problem can arise when you least expect it.

There was a time when the oven doors stuck and we needed to use a flat headed screw driver to open the oven door. This became a pain, especially when the food or baking was done and the trays needed to be pulled out. This problem went on for a long time until it was taken care of by Chef Jeff, who came to work in the kitchen. Chef Jeff always carried a tool box in the back of his truck and he fixed our problem. That tool box came in handy as well as the chef knives that he carried with him.

Then there was the time that I had to figure out how to re-light the pilot light that went out, under the commercial ovens. I hate gas stoves for this reason. This is a minor problem but I hate doing this job, and I hate lighting matches as well.  But it can be remedied by not using the exhaust fans and sweating in the kitchen.

Finally, I put on my plumber’s hat, when the dishwasher wouldn’t fill up. I remembered my daughter telling me how she fixed it. So, I poured a bucket of water down the dishwasher’s drain and pulled the plunger up and down a few times and hoped for the best. I pressed the fill button for the water and, voila, to my utter amazement…it worked!

Oh yeah…I now have earned my plumber’s badge and can add it to my expanding resume!

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