Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The day was a little downcast. Gray skies and a chill in the air. But I saw the sun shine when my 15th grandchild, (12th granddaughter) was baptized. Why is it that no matter how I am feeling, that seeing a baby, holding a baby, and watching a baby smile makes me feel so happy?

I had nine babies and I never tired of watching them and wondering what they would grow up to become. I loved their smiles and the feel of those soft chubby hands. Their smell is so hard to describe. It is a mixture of sweetness, of the baby itself, or maybe it is all of that mixed with heaven?

Sunday, my granddaughter was baptized, and I felt grateful to be there with my family during this beautiful moment. Later my children, their spouses, grandchildren, family and friends celebrated Ava’s party at my house. For a few hours my normally quiet house reverted back to the old days of having my children living there. Children’s voices, their laughter, and running throughout the house, made my house come alive once again.

Ava is a beautiful baby girl and it will be a treasure to see her grow and see what she will become some day. In a few months, my youngest son and his wife are having a baby. The sonogram showed a perfectly formed, beautiful baby. That will be the 15th grandchild. Another little girl will make it my 13th granddaughter. Yes, another little girl. Simply amazing!

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