Sunday, March 2, 2014

First Cup of Coffee

What makes that first cup of coffee of the day, taste like the best cup of coffee in the whole wide world? It’s as if I struck the lottery or opened a new vein of gold.


Is it because I haven’t had a cup of coffee in maybe, the past 17-18 hours that my body craves it? Yet, when I go through the morning  ritual of making that first cup, then situate my-self, sit down, and take that first sip – Oh my! The warmth of that first sip is so soothing. The flavor fills up my mouth and gently slides down my throat and a warm pleasure permeates throughout my body. Not only does it taste good and fills up my senses, but it adds a very comforting feeling.


I sometimes think that the first sip is almost like the last sip…both are the best. I sometimes have the same feeling when I open a can of pop and swallow that first and last sip. Both are indescribable. It’s as if I’ve been on a desert island and haven’t had a drink in a very long time. Maybe it’s the first taste that is the most satisfying. Although the last sip leaves me feeling almost the same way. At least that cup of coffee or can of soda will last me for the day and the thoughts of it, even longer.


What about you?