Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rockin' the Rivers Pin Collectors

Recently, I attended the first quarterly breakfast meeting of 2014 at the Hard Rock Café. The breakfast was hosted by the Hard Rock Café near Station Square. After breakfast, pin collectors placed their pin bags on a table, displaying their Hard Rock pins. Since I didn’t have my bag, I just laid out my pins on the table.

When members get together at the pin meetings, it is to have fun, meet people, and swap for pins. The people attending the pin swaps are nice and very accommodating, usually saying “Pick a pin that you want. I can always find a pin that I want from your collections.”

This meeting wasn’t just to swap pins but it became a fundraiser for one of the members, who happened to be in the ICU of one of the local hospitals. Even nicer, the Hard Rock Café would match the money that was spent on the raffles and merchandise bought in their store!

An Easter basket was filled with some Hard Rock pins, and T-shirts, and other things, and it would be raffled off. There was a large glass jar filled with jelly beans. I was totally amazed because I bought a ticket, wrote down my guess of 895 jelly beans, and won. I also found a plastic egg in the center with three newly released Hard Rock Pins.


There were at least ½ dozen other items to be raffled off. I won one and got two Hard Rock T-shirts, a Hard Rock shot glass, Hard Rock earbuds, and a few more Hard Rock pins to add to my growing collection. The best part was that I didn’t have a single one of those pins in my collection.

This was a few hours of pleasant escape from my normal life. I had a good time, the money I spent went toward a good cause, and I met a number of people that were friendly and interesting. I hope that I meet them again in the future.

All in all this was a different kind of Sunday morning for me. It was one that I really enjoyed at the Hard Rock Café. I look forward to attending more.


  1. From Matt - This sounds like the luckiest day you've ever had because you won so much stuff!

  2. I usually don't win anything. So, this was my lucky day!!!!
