Monday, January 12, 2015

It's Winter!

I knew it was coming – the arctic blast, the frigid temperatures, icy roads, and snow. I mean what was I thinking? It’s January after all. It’s winter!

Now after all the busy business of November and December, and the holidays are over, so is the running around. Now is the time to sit back and relax. The cold makes me shiver, but it also makes me not want to leave the warmth of my house. Heaven knows that I have a lot to keep me busy, indoors, like cleaning out closets and drawers and discarding unnecessary things. I also have some winter projects to keep me busy, like working on writing a book about each of my grandchildren, making another baby blanket, putting together a fleece blanket for a late Christmas gift.

I know getting more serious about my own writing and blogging would benefit more from my full attention. So would my project to get the tape and sticky objects off one of the bedrooms walls that my one granddaughter used when she lived here. I need to smooth the walls and repaint them. But, the room has been waiting for me to do just that for close to 5 years. So, what’s the hurry?

I guess procrastination is the word that comes to mind. Or maybe it is the waiting and looking forward to spring, where I can start planning on what to plant in my front yard. After 20 years, I finally had some trees removed. They were so overgrown that they blotted out the sun and no one could see the front of my house. With the trees gone, it will now allow for the sun to make its appearance and for things to actually be able to grow, again. Now, I will be able to plant and maintain a full sun garden in the front of my house.

I think about all the things that I can do but I still procrastinate. It is now 9:30 a.m., and I am still sitting on my chair, with my gym clothes on, looking out my window at the snow, ice, and frigid looking outdoors, and still I keep putting everything off. Maybe one more cup of coffee will help? Maybe? But then maybe I am just in my winter mode.

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