Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mayan Calendar Prediction

The Mayan elders have made a prophecy predicting the end of the world to be December 21, 2012. Since I have nothing to do with this prediction, I have learned that if I can’t change it then at least maybe I can enjoy a few things.

So here is my list of Ten Things That I Would Do to prepare for the end of time:

1.      Read a good book on my Kindle.

2.      Write a good story for my Blog or write in my journal or finish the novel that I am working on.

3.      Eat a good meal, including dessert.

4.      Give each of my cats plenty of love, brush them, feed them food and fresh water, and clean out their litter box.

5.      Wear clean underwear.

6.      Make a good Act of Contrition. (For non-Catholics) this is a prayer asking God’s forgiveness for the sins or bad things which I have committed. I would like to go to heaven.

7.      Pack a few essential things. For example – my electric toothbrush, floss, gum stimulator and picks.

8.      Shower and wash my hair.

9.      Say a good prayer to St. Christopher, former patron saint of travelers.

10.  Get a good night’s sleep.

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool and I agree with every thing on your list.
