Friday, November 1, 2013

Snoopy Happy Dance

When I was in high school, I was a big fan of Charlie Brown, Snoopy and all their little buddies. To me all those characters really rocked. I bought all their books, and faithfully read the Sunday comics, where Charlie Brown was the first comic on the top of the page. I used to cut them out for the humor and wisdom. When I was in college, I used to draw Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Lucy and write my own comments under the pictures and hung them up in my dorm room.


Snoopy jumping up in the air with his eyes closed and his head raised up in the air was one of my favorites. In college, I wrote under the picture…Snoopy Flaufting. (I think you can figure what that meant.) But in reality, it was Snoopy showing pure abandoned joy. It was Snoopy doing his happy dance.


Last Monday, I had the privilege of being in the labor and delivery room with my daughter. I didn’t push my way in, I was asked. So, I kind of played the rah-rah coach. When my daughter went into labor, I helped to support her head and shoulders, and encouraged her to push. I kept saying, “You can do it, or Good Job.” It was a long but steady labor.


Then after four exhausting hours of pushing…the baby came out. At first it was a mind boggling thing that turned into relief and then pure joy. Baby Will had made his appearance to all our relief.


After those initial feelings, I finally understood that picture of Snoopy in the air…I wanted to do the same thing but I thought people would think I was nuts. But for me the Snoopy in the air was Snoopy jumping for pure joy. I have come a long way from my college days and thoughts.


When I did hold the baby…I hugged him and smelled his head. At the moment there was no odor. Babies always have that gentle odor of sweetness. Maybe I smelled the pureness of the baby or maybe the pureness of heaven. Eventually, later on, the baby had developed that sweet baby scent.


For now…Congratulations Becca! You did a great job! Welcome to the family, Will! You might be my 19th grandchild, but like the rest…I will love you just as much as I love the others. In my world, there is always room and love for one more.