Thursday, February 23, 2012

Random Thoughts

1. There are no ethics in Journalism.

2. Why would anyone want to run for office when their life is an open book, fresh for news scalpels?

3. I love this winter because it was so mild.

4. There are so many good series on television.

5. What is it that makes Jane Austen’s books turn me into a Zombie with a brain full of mush?

6. Can’t believe that I sat and watched all six season’s of Dexter, non-stop!

7. Just being surrounded by books makes my spirits soar.

8. Watching Jeremy Lin is fantastic. I hope he stays grounded, except for his jump shots.

9. Memo to LeBron James, you may be able to go back home, but it will never be the same.

10. Why is it that good people die, way too soon?

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