Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Greenhouse Journal: Days 9 & 10

On Thursday I received a call to come in and work at the Greenhouse. I helped to trim some of the petunias and space them out. After I went over to one of the benches and planted up some of the succulents. There were two trays to be planted and the job went quickly…Echeveria, a few different varieties of Sedum, Coral Carpet and a few other succulents.

In Greenhouse 6, there was a special order of Begonias and Zinnias waiting for me. I groaned knowing that I had to work with the Begonias again. Like the previous Begonia order, these would take a while to poke them out of their root-bound plug tray. I planted up five trays of double pinks, and reds. Three of the same color plant would go into an 8” pot. Then I went to town planting up the Zinnias. Three plants of the same color would go into a 6” pot. I planted up five total trays of cherry profusion, yellow, and white. The space was limited and we had to move things around but in the end, we found places on the benches to put all these plants. Since it was a special order…the plants would be roped off so the public can’t buy them.

When I still had a half tray of Zinnias to plant, I pooped out and Carol, bless her heart, planted the remainder for me.

I signed out at 4 eager to get home. I desperately needed to shower, get off my feet and eat something. I needed to go back and work tomorrow. I saw 14 trays of Vinca plants waiting on the stand for me.

The next day I signed in and started planting by 9. I was bound and determined to put a dent in the order. I was determined, surprised and thrilled when I was finished by 12:30! I had planted a tray of Verbena, and the rest were Vincas in Pacifica Cherry Red, Cora Red, Cora Lavender, Pacifica Deep Orchid, Cora Apricot, Sunstorm Blush, and Cora Burgundy. It was a pleasure working with those beautiful ladies!

I singed out, and stopped at my daughter’s kitchen for a minute. This turned into two hours of doing some odd jobs there.

It was a good feeling knowing that I still had enough steam to help out in the catering kitchen. But the best part was cashing my biggest check from the greenhouse. Since my check was bigger than the other two, I sprung for a round of drinks…three cold Cherry Pepsi Colas. And my eyes were not numb from that round of drinks!

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